Allow me to re-introduce myself..............
Back again! Precisely 2months since my last entry. My desk-top died on me 24hrs after my last blog-post and I have yet to find to time or inclination to repair the heap of junk. I did however find the time to bid on a brand spanking new lap-top on eBay. Auction ends in 37hrs. Wish me luck!
So what happened in between? EVERYTHING!!!!!! From trips across the Atlantic, to reunion with old flames, to ending up on crutches, to boredom at work, to receiving large cheques in the post, to weight gain, to gaining new insights, to possibly falling in love. I'd love to expand on all this, but my boss is looking at me suspiciously, so I guess I'd better "ALT & TAB" and complete this update in a new post on my new lap-top.
Can't wait...........................
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