Friday, May 25, 2007


It took me forever, but the Law of Averages eventually dictated that I had to win one of the several auctions I bid on, on ebay. My continued efforts were rewarded with a brand new Macbook Pro, at a reasonable price (about 28% below RRP). It was not what I had in mind when I originally started shopping around for a laptop, all those eons ago. However, the fact that you can run Windows on Intel-based Macs was probably the selling point that sealed the deal. I haven't looked back since.

I was a bit apprehensive about entering the strange world of Apple Mac, though. I've always been a fan of Apple's innovative designs; it's just Mac users, in general, that have made me feel edgy. I've always been wary of being associated with them, much less becoming one of them. My geeky young bro is the perfect example. It's been a while now since he purchased a Mac and became converted/brain-washed/transformed/assimilated/indoctrinated (take your pick). I fully appreciate that Macs are great, well designed machines, but Mac users never recommend them to you. They preach!! God's blessings be with the brave man who dares to make a critical comment about a Mac machine. They'd probably stone him to death given the opportunity. My bro hits an almost evangelical tone everytime we ever discuss any aspect of Apple or their products. It's actually quite scary. That could be me in a few months folks!! Well it's a possibility, but it's not likely. I am probably the least brand-loyal consumer on the planet.

In other news, I actually have a back log of posts to publish. I just have to find the time to transfer them from paper to hard-drive. Where's a pretty secretary when you need one?? In the meantime, I'll start typing my posts myself. Slowly but surely..............